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What makes for ambitious commitments in the extractives sector?

What makes for ambitious commitments in the extractives sector?

  • 14:00 – 15:30 UTC+2
  • 18 July 2018

This session will take place at the Open Government Partnership Summit in Tbilisi, Georgia and is co-hosted by the EITI and the Natural Resource Governance Institute.

In the OGP, natural resource commitments have great transformative potential. Openness in extractives can pave the way for sustainable development, environmental protection and reduction of social conflicts. It therefore comes as no surprise that the top OGP commitment category is natural resources, in comparison to other sectors like health, education or infrastructure. Yet, there is still a long way to go to ensure that OGP extractive sector commitments are fully implemented and contribute to deterring corruption. This session will present country examples along the extractive value chain and show how ambitious commitments can contribute to mitigating corruption risks and governance reforms.

The session will be facilitated by Erica Westenberg (NRGI) and Ines Marques (EITI).

Opening remarks:

  • Oge Modie, Chief of Staff of the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Nigeria
  • Elisa Peter, Executive Director, Publish What You Pay

Break-out sessions focusing on specific aspects along the extractive value chain:

  1. Open contracting/licensing: Erica Westenberg (NRGI), Gavin Hayman and Carey Kluttz (Open Contracting Partnership)
  2. Payment disclosures: Karla Espinoza and Marco Angelo Zaplan (Philippines EITI)
  3. Socio-environmental disclosures: Walter Palmetshofer (Open Knowledge Foundation Germany) and Aida Gamboa (DAR, Peru)
  4. Revenue management and subnational transfers: Ines Marques (EITI International Secretariat) and Alfred Okoh (Budget Office of the Federation, Nigeria)
  5. Civil society consultation on natural resource governance: Oleksiy Orlovsky (International Renaissance Foundation, Ukraine)


The closing session will bring together the groups and ask invite facilitators to briefly report back some key insights from the group discussions.

For OGP's event page and more information about the speakers, see here