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EITI Deputy Head Eddie Rich moves on

EITI Deputy Head Eddie Rich moves on

Eddie Rich is moving on as Deputy Head of the EITI International Secretariat after 12 years with the organisation. Eddie has been appointed as CEO for the International Hydropower Association, a non-profit membership organisation committed to advancing sustainable hydropower. 

Eddie was part of the original team that helped establish the EITI International Secretariat in Oslo. The International Secretariat supports the implementation of the EITI across the world. Prior to the EITI, governments and companies did not regularly disclose revenues. Since its inception, USD 2.5 trillion has been disclosed by EITI countries along with other information about the governance of the whole extractives sector in over 50 countries.

Mark Robinson, EITI Executive Director in a statement 'On behalf of all our stakeholders I want to thank Eddie for his support and energetic contribution to the EITI. Eddie has been a tireless champion for the transformative power of transparency and accountablility in stregthening governance of natural resources.'

Eddie has written a series of reflections on the EITI in a valedictory piece based on his experiences with EITI. He highlights several challenges and opportunities for the EITI in the future around: 

  • Measuring EITI’s impact
  • Improving EITI’s Standard and Validation process
  • Getting the most from EITI’s constituencies 

His book, co-authored with former EITI Executive Director, Jonas Moberg, Beyond Governments: Making Collective Governance Work - Lessons from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative sets out a wider set of reflections and lessons and is recommended reading for anyone involved in multi-stakeholder governance.