The EITI today launched its flagship EITI Progress Report 2021, which describes how EITI implementation has been adapted and sustained amid the constraints posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The report highlights innovations in reporting by EITI implementing countries, as well as emerging practices in key areas including contract transparency, beneficial ownership transparency and corporate accountability.
“The stories documented in this report demonstrate that EITI implementing countries have demonstrated enormous resilience in the face of unprecedented challenges,” says EITI Executive Director Mark Robinson. “Several countries have embraced a new, flexible approach to reporting, publishing timely and relevant data on the impact of the pandemic on the sector.”
The COVID-19 crisis has required many governments and companies to shift their natural resource management priorities. National lockdowns have posed constraints on multi-stakeholder dialogue, funding and data dissemination activities, requiring implementing countries to adopt new ways of working.
“The year has brought new challenges for the EITI, but it has also underscored the urgency of our work, and the value of bringing everyone around the table to find common solutions,” comments EITI Chair Rt Hon. Helen Clark in her foreword. “We will continue to reflect on lessons learned from the extraordinary year which we have experienced.”