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Ingilab Ahmadov

Director of the Public Finance Monitoring Centre - Baku, Azerbaijan

Ingilab Agajan Ahmadov was born on October 23, 1960 in Lenkoran city, Azerbaijan. During 1982-1987 he studied at the Faculty of Economics at Saint-Petersburg State University (formerly Leningrad) in Russia. From 1987 to 1990 Mr. Ahmadov undertook his post-graduate study at the same University. In 1990 he successfully defended his candidate thesis and in 2000 he obtained a degree of Doctor of Economy from Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance. In 2008, as part of the Chevening fellowship program, Mr. Ingilab Ahmadov carried out a course on the ‘Economics of Energy’ at Reading University (UK).

Mr. Ingilab Ahmadov’s professional experience is both extensive and outstanding. He started his career in 1991 as an instructor in political economy at Azerbaijan State Oil Academy. In 1993, Mr. Ahmadov began to work as a scientific employee at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. In 1993 he became assistant to the Director at the center for Socio-Psychological Studies. Between 1997-1999 Mr. Ahmadov occupied the post of Advisor to a Minister of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan. From 1995 until 2004 he was Director General of “Trend”, an analytical information agency. From 2004 to date Mr. Ahmadov has been a Director of the Public Finance Monitoring Center, a local NGO, located in Baku.