Onadja Kanfido
National Coordinator, EITI Burkina Faso
The Permanent Secretary (National Coordinator) of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative in Burkina Faso (EITI-BF) is Mr Onadja KANFIDO. He is a financial services administrator with twenty-five years of experience in the Burkina Faso Public Administration. He graduated from the University of Ouagadougou (1993-1996) and the Ecole Nationale des Régies Financières (ENAREF) (2000-2003). He has held several management positions, including Financial Controller at CAMEG and DGCOOP (1996-2000), Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs at Editions Sidwaya (2003 to 2009). He was also Director of Administration and Finance at the Centre de Formation Professionnelle de Référence de Ziniaré (2011-2012).
Mr KANFIDO also sat in the National Assembly of Burkina Faso from 2012 to 2014 as a Deputy where he participated in voting laws, granting taxes, and controlling government action. He was also Deputy Director General of the Control of Public Contracts and Financial Commitments of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Development from 2017 until September 2021. Mr. KANFIDO has a solid experience in public finance administration, public procurement, control of budget execution and auditing and control of accounting errors.
He has held the position of National Coordinator of EITI-BF since 5 October 2021.