Norsk Hydro ASA
Engagement with the EITI
Hydro has disclosed payments to host governments according to the EITI Standard since 2005. Hydro's mining operation takes place in Brazil only. Brazilian activities are reported according to EITI standards, although Brazil is currently not an EITI implementing country.
Other significant countries of operation include Germany, Norway and the USA. The company publishes its payments to authorities per project in countries where the company has operations in the country by country section of its annual report. Read about the company’s annual reports on Hydro's website.
Strengthening transparency
Hydro's country by country report has been developed to comply with legal requirements stated in the Norwegian Accounting Act §3-3d and the Norwegian Security Trading Act §5-5a, valid from 2014. According to the Norwegian Accounting Act, the country by country reporting should be on a project level and payments should be reported per public authority.
Hydro reports according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. These standards are for voluntary use by organisations for reporting on economic, environmental and social dimensions of their activities, products and services.
Read more about the company's sustainability approach.
Company assessment
Download the results of the 2023 assessment of company progress in meeting the Expectations for EITI supporting companies.