The Board agreed on recommendations with regards to governance challenges in implementing countries.
Board decision on recommendations with regards to governance challenges
The EITI Board agreed the following recommendations:
Per diems
How implementing countries put into practice how Requirement 1.4b:
Implementing countries should explain any per diem policies in the terms of reference for the MSG or elsewhere on their websites where governance rules are explained. Countries that do not pay per diems should explicitly state this.
Records of any per diems paid the preceding fiscal year should be made publicly available.
All countries not adhering to Requirement 1.4b should be reminded of the importance the Board attributes to this requirement.
Implementation governance
The Board expects the following expectations of implementing countries:
Implementing countries that have national secretariats or similar structures supporting implementation are expected to provide information on the number of people employed in national secretariats, their organizational structure and annual budget. This information can be made available in annual progress reports and work plans or, ideally, on a dedicated page on their national website.
Implementing countries that have national secretariats or similar structures supporting implementation are expected to clearly explain in their MSG terms of reference how the national secretariat should relate to MSGs. Countries are encouraged to use the guidance already provided to this purpose in EITI Guidance Note 25.
All implementing countries are expected to be transparent about their finances so that it is possible for citizens to understand what implementation is costing in their country. Where accounts are not already regularly audited, for example as part of government audits, implementing countries are expected to conduct regular audits. Whether conducted as part of government audits or through other means, links to the audit reports should be provided on national EITI websites or in annual progress reports. Where secretariats are integrated in ministries or other government bodies, it is sufficient to highlight the Government’s audit procedures.
Code of conduct
The Board recommends that:
The EITI International Secretariat should remind all stakeholders of their obligation to report Office Holders’ familiarity with the EITI Code of Conduct.
The EITI International Secretariat should prepare a presentation of the EITI Code of Conduct that all implementing countries will be asked to present to their MSGs and national secretariats within a three-month period. The International Secretariat may wish to offer online regional webinars where stakeholders from implementing countries would be invited to participate online.