EITI Policy on voicing concerns
- The procedures for voicing concerns to the EITI are open to all stakeholders and accessible. Stakeholders with a concern should first raise it to the attention of the immediate EITI body (national multi-stakeholder group, EITI constituency, etc.). If this is not appropriate or if the concern remains, the EITI’s procedures for raising concerns to the attention of higher bodies are open to all stakeholders and are available on the EITI website. A confidential online form is also available for stakeholders who wish to voice their concerns.
In addressing concerns, including appealing decisions by EITI bodies, the EITI is transparent about its decisions and processes. All documents of the EITI are public except as provided in the EITI Openness policy. All decisions by the EITI Board and the procedures for voicing concerns are available on the EITI website.
The EITI Board and its Chair shall seek to address concerns in a consensual manner, consulting stakeholder groups, focusing on dialogue and taking into account the best interest of the EITI Association at all times.
In addressing concerns, the EITI Board and its Chair shall ensure that the multi-stakeholder nature of the EITI is reflected in the equitable treatment of stakeholders.
The EITI is committed to continuous learning and improvement. Stakeholders are encouraged to share with the EITI bodies and their representatives on the EITI Board their experiences when voicing concerns through the various EITI channels.