This discussion paper, authored by Alexandra Gillies, was commissioned to inform ongoing debate about the role that the EITI plays in addressing corruption.
Corruption remains a significant and harmful problem in the extractives sector. By raising the bar on transparency, the EITI has undoubtedly played a substantive role in addressing corruption, but the nature of this role has not always been well understood or articulated.
In this context, the paper provides an independent and expert opinion, but is not a board-endorsed document. Its purpose is to catalyse discussion on the contribution and limitations of the EITI in fighting corruption. It is exploratory in nature and the recommendations it contains are intended as a basis for discussion, rather than a blueprint for action.
Alexandra Gillies is an advisor at the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI), an independent consultant and author of the forthcoming book Crude Intentions: How Oil Corruption Contaminates the World.