In October 2017, the EITI Board agreed that Iraq had made inadequate progress in implementing the 2016 EITI Standard. See Board decision (here).
In this second Validation, the EITI International Secretariat has assessed the progress made in addressing the 22 corrective actions established by the EITI Board following the first Validation. See more under background below.
Timeline of Validation and related materials
- 25 April 2019: Second Validation commenced.
- 6 to 10 April 2019: International Secretariat stakeholder consultations mission to Iraq.
- 11 June 2019: The draft assessment was sent to the Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG)
- 10 July 2019: The MSG submitted comments on the draft assessment
- 11 July 2019: The assessment was finalised for consideration by the Validation Committee
MSG Comments & Validation Committee Review
- 29 May 2019: the Validation Committee reviewed VC Paper 80-4 on the second Validation of Iraq
- 3 June 2019: the Validation Committee sent a recommendation to the Board (for discussion): Second Validation of Iraq, Board Paper 43-6.
- 10 July 2019: The MSG provided comments. The International Secretariat then finalised the assessment for review by the Validation Committee
- 26 August 2019: The Validation Committee reviewed VC Paper 03-2 on the second Validation of Iraq
- 26 August 2019: The civil society coalition Iraqi Transparency Alliance for Extractive Industries submitted documents related to the IEITI work plan to the Validation Committee
- 18 September 2019: The Secretariat responded to the Committee's question in a memo and the Validation Committee reviewed updates in VC Paper 06-1 on the second Validation of Iraq
- 2 October 2019: the Validation Committee sent a recommendation to the Board (for decision): Second Validation of Iraq, Board Paper 45-5-A.
The first Validation of commenced on 1 January 2017. On 25 October 2017, the EITI Board agreed that Iraq had made inadequate progress in implementing the 2016 EITI Standard (see Board decision 2017-55/BM-38/BP-38-6-E). The Board established 22 corrective actions related to:
Government engagement (Requirement 1.1)
Industry engagement (Requirement 1.2)
MSG oversight (Requirement 1.4)
Workplan (Requirement 1.5)
Legal framework and fiscal regime (Requirement 2.1)
License allocations (Requirement 2.2)
License registers (Requirement 2.3)
Contract disclosure (Requirement 2.4)
State participation (Requirement 2.6)
Production data (Requirement 3.2)
Comprehensiveness (Requirement 4.1)
Transactions related to state-owned enterprises (Requirement 4.5)
Direct subnational payments (Requirement 4.6)
Level of disaggregation (Requirement 4.7)
Data quality (Requirement 4.9)
Distribution of extractive industry revenues (Requirement 5.1)
Subnational transfers (Requirement 5.2)
Social expenditures (Requirement 6.1)
Economic contribution (Requirement 6.3)
Public debate (Requirement 7.1)
Discrepancies and recommendations from EITI Reports (Requirement 7.3)
Outcomes and impact of EITI implementation (Requirement 7.4).