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Request for proposals to develop a conference video for the programme “Opening Extractives”


This open call is now closed. 

The EITI is seeking a production company to produce a conference video for the programme “Opening Extractives”, a global programme jointly managed by the EITI and its partner organisation Open Ownership. The programme aims to end the use of anonymous companies linked to corruption and mismanagement in the extractive sector. It will do this by supporting countries in building and using public registers of information on the ultimate owners of extractive companies.

For the programme to achieve its ambitious objectives, there will be a need to quickly raise awareness of its scope and aims, engaging the attention of decision makers and stakeholders in each focus country. A video describing the programme and its intended impact, will be required for global and focus country launch events and for initial interactions with stakeholders, as focus countries are selected and initial engagements with governments and other stakeholders undertaken.


Proposals are requested for a video supplier to develop a unique video for Opening Extractives for use by the programme, as set out below:

1. Main video

The main video will include the following elements:

The video length will be approximately 3 – 4 minutes. The quality should be high resolution and good quality. The video will include key messages on the Opening Extractives programme. The clip will include short segments with 3-4 interviews from focus country representatives, to take place in early August. These may include Zambia, Mexico, Philippines and Nigeria. The supplier is expected to take on the practical arrangements after initial contact and set up of the interviews in the focus countries.

The programme is still in the initial phase however at a later stage there will be need for region specific videos. The challenge with compilation of such a task is that there are many inconsistencies in quality hence it is important for all clips to be of high quality throughout. The clip should provide detail behind the importance of beneficial ownership transparency and how Beneficial Ownership data is useful in curbing corruption. The scenes should reflect the benefits on a grassroot level, in the private sector and at a government level. The audience should be able to understand the objectives of the Opening Extractives programme. There should be different visual perspectives provided in the clip (close-up, medium range, long distance). Selected images will be included with caption information if needed.

Animated images could be used if this adds to the overall understanding of the messages and objectives of the programme.

A fixed estimate for subtitling of all video content into a different language. We are likely to translate the video into French, Spanish and potentially Russian.

2. Series of short social media clips

The supplier will develop one general clip of approximately 30 seconds that will used for EITI social media platforms. It should be of high quality and resolution so it can be used for various purposes. This video will highlight snippets of key messages produced in the main launch video. Subtitles in English will also be included.

We would additionally like to develop 2-3 clips of approximately 30 seconds for social media which include the interviews undertaken with country representatives.

The deliverables will be procured against a fixed fee.

Commercial details

The contracting party for this work will be the EITI, which is the lead grantee for the programme.

All quotes should be inclusive of VAT and other taxes. Proposals should clearly state the contracting party, which can be a company, agency, sole trader or individual consultant.


Closing date for proposals

10:00 CET Monday 12 July

Notification of selected supplier

Monday 19 July

Finalisation of contract

Wednesday 21 July

Onboarding call with contractor

Thursday 22 July

Presentation of approach and possible video options to Opening Extractives Programme Management Unit (PMU)

Tuesday 27 July

Based on initial feedback, develop storyboard

Tuesday 3 August 

Feedback on storyboard

Tuesday 10 August

First cut of video  

Tuesday 17 August

Second cut, including input from OE team

Tuesday 23 August

Final English version of launch video to be completed

Tuesday 30 August

Production of social media clip and/or translated versions

Monday 6 September

Content of proposals

Proposals should include at least the following elements:

  • All in rate for completion of deliverables within the allocated time.

  • Any applicable taxes.

  • Description of proposed creative approach to the project.

  • Description of how the remote interviews will be conducted.

  • Summary of experience of the agency or contractor with similar projects and at least three examples of similar projects completed within the past 18 months.

Evaluation criteria

Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Cost (40%)

  • Description of creative approach (30%)

  • Experience of designer and portfolio (30%)

Contact details and closing date

The contact person for any questions and the submission of proposals will be: Jeanette Reinertsen, HR Operations Manager, EITI (

All applications should be received no later than Monday 12 July 2021 at 10:00 CET. Late applications will not be considered.

A propos de l'ITIE

Nous considérons que les ressources naturelles d’un pays appartiennent à ses citoyens. Notre mission consiste à promouvoir la compréhension de la gestion des ressources naturelles, à renforcer la gouvernance et la redevabilité publiques et des entreprises, et à fournir les données nécessaires à l’élaboration des politiques et au dialogue multipartite dans le secteur extractif. En devenant membres de l’ITIE, les pays s’engagent à divulguer des informations sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur de l’industrie extractive – des conditions d’octroi des droits d’extraction, à la manière dont les revenus parviennent au gouvernement et profitent à la population. Par le biais de la participation à l’ITIE, 56 pays ont adopté un ensemble de règles communes régissant ce qui doit être divulgué et quand – la Norme ITIE. Dans chacun des pays ayant adhéré à l’ITIE, un groupe multipartite composé de représentants du gouvernement, des entreprises et de la société civile apporte son soutien à la mise en œuvre de la Norme ITIE.