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New measures for EITI reporting under COVID-19

Recognising the profound challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, the EITI Board has agreed measures to provide flexibility in EITI implementation and reporting. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a deluge of responses, reports and webinars. Navigating this information overload can present a challenge for those engaged in extractives transparency, as the sector touches on so many aspects of the economy.

With this in mind, the EITI International Secretariat has launched an online COVID-19 Resource Centre. Designed for implementing countries and stakeholders, the Resource Centre brings together information on Validation schedules and reporting options under COVID-19.

The EITI Board last month agreed flexible reporting measures. Multi-stakeholder groups (MSGs) may prepare EITI Reports with information unilaterally disclosed by government and/or companies, subject to MSG endorsement and providing that certain key data are included. The data required under the flexible measures aims to ensure that EITI Reports provide current and relevant information to stakeholders, while maintaining a reasonable level of quality assurance.

Commenting on the flexible reporting measures in a video message, EITI Executive Director Mark Robinson noted: “We don't want to weaken the rigour of reporting, but we are encouraging multi-stakeholder groups to make sure that reports get to the right people – those responsible for the most critical decisions in the extractives sector – and that reports are timely, relevant and respond to the more immediate needs of policymakers.”

The Resource Centre also includes key reports and resources published by partners. Over the next six months, the International Secretariat will host a series of webinars to support EITI implementing countries. Additionally, the EITI will continue to discuss issues of concern to implementing countries through its webinar series “Transparency Matters.”
