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EITI glossary

This glossary is compiled by the EITI International Secretariat and is only provided as a resource.


An official register of oil, gas and mining licenses. These registers often include information such as the name of the company holding the license, the duration of the license and coordinates of the license area

Candidate country

A country that has fully, and to the satisfaction of the EITI Board, completed the four sign-up steps set out in the EITI Standard. EITI Candidature is a temporary statys that is intended to lead, in a timely fashion, to compliance with the EITI Requirements. When the EITI Board admits an EITI Candidate, it establishes deadlines for publishing the first EITI Report and undertaking Validation. The first EITI Report must be published within 18 months and Validation must commence within two and a half years.

Civil society organisation

Non-governmental organisations such as trade unions, issue-based coalitions, faith-based organisations, indigenous peoples movements, the media, think tanks and foundations. The term civil society organisation is abbreviated with "CSO"

Compliant country

A country is designated as Compliant when the EITI Board considers that it has met all of the EITI Requirements. Compliant countries must undergo Validation every three years or upon the request from the EITI Board. Compliance with the EITI Requirements does not necessarily mean that a country's extractive sector is fully transparent, but that there are satisfactory levels of disclosure and openness in the management of the natural resources, as well as a functioning process to oversee and improve disclosure

Contextual information

Refers to the requirement in the EITI Standard to provide information about the extractive sectors that allows the reader to understand the figures disclosed in an EITI Report