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African Mining Indaba 2024

The EITI will participate in the 2024 African Mining Indaba in Cape Town, South Africa, from 5 to 8 February.

  • 5 – 8 February 2024
  • In-person

Registration: Register here

Language: English

Mining Indaba is the world's largest gathering of mining stakeholders and decision-makers held annually in Cape Town, South Africa. In 2024, Mining Indaba will celebrate its 30th anniversary to honour how far the industry has come and discover what the future holds for Africa’s mining industry. The EITI will take part in various panels throughout the week.

Sunday 4 February

Ministerial panel discussion: Pushing Africa into a new investment era with solutions to the continent’s greatest challenges

10:25-11:15 | By invitation only

Moderated by Gilbert Makore, EITI Regional Director – Anglophone and Lusophone Africa

Ministerial Symposium: Ambassadors Programme

11:30-14:15 | By invitation only

MC: Andrew Irvine, EITI Legal & Corporate Engagement Director

Moderated by Fatma Nyambura, EITI Policy Manager

Monday 5 February

Consolidation of responsible mining standards – why this, why now and what’s next

10:30-12:00 | Cullinan Hotel


  • Fatma Nyambura, EITI Policy Manager
  • Grant Beringer, Sustainability Executive, Barrick Gold
  • Aidan Davy, Chief Operating Officer, ICMM
  • Adam Matthews, Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Church of England Pensions Board

Moderated by Pierre Gratton, President & CEO, Mining Association of Canada

Tuesday 6 February

Addressing corruption in energy transition minerals in Africa: How can women and communities benefit?

12:00-13:30 | Double Tree by Hilton (Upper Eastside)


  • Gilbert Makore, EITI Regional Director – Anglophone and Lusophone Africa
  • Fatma Nyambura, EITI Policy Manager
  • Tengi George-Ikoli, Senior Officer, Nigeria, NRGI
  • Silas Olang, Africa Energy Transition Adviser, NRGI

Moderated by Nafi Chinery, Africa Director, NRGI

Breaking the taboo: a genuine conversation about tackling corruption risks in an increasingly competitive environment

13:45-14:30 | Sustainability Series, Stewards Stage


  • Andrew Irvine, EITI Legal & Corporate Engagement Director
  • Maybel Acquaye, Member, Africa Steering Committee, Africa Centre for Energy Policy, PWYP
  • Richard Morgan, Head of Government Relations, Anglo American

Moderated by Louis Marechal, Senior Advisor, OECD

Wednesday 7 February

Enhancing Transparency and accountability in the extractives industry in Africa

9:00-10:30 | Double Tree by Hilton (Upper Eastside)


  • Gilbert Makore, EITI Regional Director – Anglophone and Lusophone Africa

Managing risks in the supply of (critical) minerals for the energy transition

13:00-14:45 | Cullinan Hotel


  • Fatma Nyambura, EITI Policy Manager
  • Jasmine Abrahams, Vice President, Sustainability, Ivanhoe Mining

  • Sean van Antwerp, Director, Strategic Clients, Guarda World

  • Isabelle Ramdoo, Deputy Director, IGF

Moderated by Tracey Cooper, Executive Director, MD 360 Mining Dialogues

Multi-stakeholder forum: Connecting vital resources to power the world

14:00-16:00 | Sun Square City Bowl



Linking debt, critical minerals and a just energy transition

18:00-19:00 | Double Tree by Hilton (Upper Eastside)


  • Gilbert Makore, EITI Regional Director – Anglophone and Lusophone Africa
  • Lurit Yugusuk, Economic Justice & Rights Assistant, FEMNET

Thursday 8 February

Coup you gonna call? GCs as a quarterback to geo-political risk management

11:00-11:40 | General Counsel Forum Insiders Stage



Photo: Quality Master / Shutterstock

South Africa