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Result-based monitoring and work plan development in Anglophone Africa

Result-based monitoring and work plan development in Anglophone Africa

  • 13:00 – 14:30 CEST
  • 10 November 2021

As the year is wrapping up, many of you were working on developing and finalising your workplans for the year ahead. Building up on the series of workshops that took place at the beginning of the 2021, the International Secretariat organised a peer-learning session on: 

  • Title:                    Result-Based Monitoring workplan developmentAnglophone Africa  
  • When:                  Wednesday 10 Novemberfrom 14:00 to 15:30UTC (15:00 to 16:30 CET)  
  • For whom:           National Coordinators, members of national secretariats and MSG members  
  • Where:                on Zoom

 In the session, we heard from countries that have/have been developed/developing a result-based monitoring workplan for their latest/upcoming workplans.

The recording of the session is available here.

The presentation is available here.

The objectives of the session were as follows:   

  1. Reflect on the lessons learnt from developing a result-based monitoring workplan 
  2. Consider other countries examples to inform the development/finalising of upcoming workplans 
  3. Continuously build the capacity of MSGs to align workplans to national priorities 
  4. Continuously build the capacity of MSGs to ensure workplans are addressing EITI Requirements, i.e., Validation assessment of #1.5 and #7