The EITI Standard is designed to promote good governance by enhancing transparency, strengthening accountability and facilitating public debate about the management of natural resources. Since it was first launched ten years ago, the EITI Standard has established a common set of rules that govern what governments and companies should disclose and when.
The EITI Standard has subsequently evolved to respond to stakeholder needs and a changing global context. Now in its fourth edition, the 2023 EITI Standard includes several new and refined provisions that enable countries to respond to the most pressing challenges that concern natural resource governance today.
These broadly cover four thematic areas:
Anti-corruption: New provisions enhance opportunities for countries and companies to use the EITI platform to identify and address corruption risks in the natural resource sector.
Energy transition: New provisions support disclosures and public debate on the impacts of the energy transition by shedding light on relevant policies, as well as the revenues that countries can expect to receive from their oil, gas and minerals under different market scenarios.
Gender, social and environmental issues: To help ensure that natural resources are managed in the interest of all citizens, there are strengthened provisions on promoting greater diversity in decision-making and disclosures that consider gender, social and environmental issues.
Revenue collection: New and refined provisions require more comprehensive and detailed disclosures, which can help countries strengthen their tax base and raise revenues.
Thematic presentations
Browse and download our thematic presentation materials on key changes to the EITI Standard (PPT):
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