The United States
The United States has been a strong supporter of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) since its founding and has consistently promoted the EITI as a critical tool to enhance transparency, increase competitiveness, and combat corruption in the global oil, gas, and mining sectors.
Engagement with the EITI
Although the United States is not an EITI implementing country, the U.S. has amplified existing extractives transparency measures by institutionalizing EITI Principles and mainstreaming government reporting of energy production. The United States unilaterally discloses revenue payments received for extractive operations on federal land through its open data portal and seeks to improve reporting through the inclusion of additional state and tribal information.
The U.S. also continues to promote public awareness and engage stakeholders in a public conversation about revenue collection from extractives development. Through the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Energy Resources, the United States has served on the EITI International Board for many years and has sought to improve internal management and oversight.
Support for EITI implementing countries
Since 2006, the U.S. Agency for International Development has robustly supported EITI implementation, peer exchanges, and research around the world. This has included over $24 million in bilateral country support for activities that promote and support transparency and accountability of expenditures and revenues related to the extraction of natural resources.
U.S. bilateral assistance for EITI implementation has strengthened the work of EITI's Multi-Stakeholder Groups (MSGs) in countries such as Colombia, Senegal, Guyana, Ukraine, Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Philippines. It has also built the capacity of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to engage in the EITI process, supported beneficial ownership and revenue disclosures, created databases and IT tools to open extractives data, built coalitions and regional networks to promote extractives transparency and assisted countries in applying for EITI membership and passing validation.
The United States has provided generous support for EITI since its inception, including $13.5 million in support to the World Bank-managed EITI Multi-Donor Trust Fund between 2006 and 2012 and $1 million in direct support to the EITI Secretariat as a supporting country.
EITI focal contact: Jennifer Anderson Lewis, Senior Anti-Corruption Advisor, Team Lead, Technical Leadership and Global Programming, Anti-Corruption Center, USAID Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance.